Tell me a story. Your words might flow effortlessly or you may have no clue where to begin. Roser Prose, LLC coaches novice storytellers and helps experienced ones polish their prose.

The company offers a variety of communication services, assisting clients one-on-one or in groups. Services may include media training for you or your team; ghostwriting articles and reports; rewriting or polishing your website content; preparing you to speak with an investor or philanthropist; coaching you on testifying before the legislature; and helping you craft a presentation that would be comprehensible to anyone. Many clients have just 90 seconds to woo a supporter. Roser Prose helps craft a compelling and concise message from even the most complicated subject matter.


Services include writing articles, reports, website content, talking points, press releases and other materials in clear, everyday prose.


Services include editing or re-writing articles, reports or manuscripts that may have communicated well to others in the same field but says little to a general audience. Roser Prose takes complex writing and ideas and translates them into vivid language that others can easily understand. The company also critiques manuscripts and edits books.


Clients wishing to convey highly technical or complicated ideas to the lay press or a general audience face the challenge of simplifying their language but maintaining accuracy – all while making the information intriguing. Roser Prose helps clients prepare for media interviews and assists them in creating interesting talks, from beginning to end, using practice sessions and providing written talking points. Clients are empowered to communicate their concepts and tell their stories with confidence and eloquence.

Mary Ann Roser

One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple.”

—  Jack Kerouac,
The Dharma Bums